70% of smartphone users use their device while shopping in stores.

Over half the population in North America has a mobile phone that is capable of accessing the internet. Since the vast majority of smart phone users access the internet via their mobile phone it is essential that your business is ready for the mobile marketing revolution. Optimizing your website for mobile phones is just as important as having a website. For clients who build their websites on HubSpot mobile optimization is built in. For others, Image Media Partners has provided a do-it-yourself mobile platform combined with a QR Code generator to get your mobile marketing campaign started today.

62% of smartphone users have gone online everyday in the past week.

Like social media, video and blogging, QR Codes are a marketing tool designed to get your prospective customers in the physical world to engage with you online. We have provided multiple free and professional mobile platforms and QR Code plans that can help you achieve your mobile marketing goals at an affordable rate. With these plans you have the option of doing it yourself, hiring Image Media Partners to build and manage your mobile marketing plan or building it into your Inbound Marketing Package.

51% of business travelers use mobile devices to get travel info.For more information visit our QR Code Partners section. Contact us for a free QR Codes and mobile marketing consultation and find out how your business can benefit
