Publications, Articles, Blogs and Interviews

Guest Post: Zooppa blog

The Importance of the Creative Brief

March 2, 2010

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eCampus News

iTunesU Evolving into Resources for Instructors

 Vol. 2 No. 11 November 2009



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CarolRoth's blog  

Tips for Increasing Website Traffic

May 8, 2012


51. Link from Your YouTube Video

When businesses use YouTube as part of their marketing plan, they often worry so much about “making it go viral” that they forget the video’s job is to drive traffic to their website. But where do viewers click? Most people will not write down a URL and you can’t put a live hyper link in the video. The solution is to put a link to your landing page on the first line of the description. Be sure to shorten the URL with a tool like and use the entire URL address including “http://”.

Thanks to: Timothy Lorang of Image Media Partners


CarolRoth's blog  

80 Tips Small Businesses Can Use to Best Leverage Social Media

August 31, 2010


Tip 49. Tweet Coupons, Events & Maps

For location based businesses, I do not link tweets to their web site, but to either Schmaps ( or to their Google Places account. For either Schmaps or Google Places, when someone clicks on the link, they will get information about the business or event that includes copy, photos, links, maps and directions. Schmaps lets you schedule multiple tweets, while Google Places has coupons, business hours, and reviews. Both services have statistics for tracking traffic.
Thanks to: Timothy Lorang of Image Media Partners

Delivery of Media in the Enterprise: Considerations and perspectives for the Media Communicator
published by Enliten Management Group, Inc.

Live High Definition (HD) Video Feed From Rome & Beijing
Over an IP Network
by Timothy J. Lorang

 April 2005

HDTV Control Room

Digital Video Magazine

IPTV Emerges as Video Distribution Alternative

April 2005 

DV-IPTV Magazine


Bill Hogue of the University of South Carolina
interviews Tim Lorang

Running Time: 10:25 minutes

December 18. 2006



 Download the Interview

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