Inbound marketing has demonstrated its value to those companies and organizations that successfully use it. When companies use the techniques of inbound marketing to reach out and engage their potential customers they not only increase traffic they get new prospects and customers. At the end of the day a positive return on your investment is the most important thing. Consider the following from websites that practice inbound marketing:*

      • Focus on inbound marketingInbound marketing costs are 61% lower per lead.
      • Last year 54% of companies doing inbound marketing increased their budget
      • 57% of companies acquired a customer through their blog
      • 62% of companies acquired a customer through LinkedIn
      • 56% of websites that blogged once a month acquired a customer
      • 70% of websites that blogged 2 to 3 times a week acquired a customer
      • 92% of websites that blogged multiple times a day acquired a customer
      • 65% of B2B websites acquired a customer through LinkedIn
      • 77% of B2C websites acquired a customer through Facebook

For more information about the value and ROI of inbound marketing download our eBook: “Lead Generation Lessons from 4,000 Businesses.”

Every business is unique and you may get different results. To find out more contact us for a free website evaluation and needs assessment.

* Statistics from “The 2012 State of Inbound Marketing” by HubSpot. (

You can find out more details about inbound marketing in these sections:

SERVICE PLANS AND PRICING: Find a solution that best fits your needs and budget. Every business is unique so contact us for a free website evaluation and needs assessment.

INBOUND MARKETING PROCESS: Find out more about how inbound marketing works and how it can help your online marketing plan.

BENEFITS OF INBOUND MARKETING: No marketing plan makes sense without a positive return on your investment. Learn more about the benefits of inbound marketing.

MARKETING ANALYTICS: Measure the success of every marketing campaign with built in analytics and reports.