Tim Lorang Consulting Blog

The 10 Twitter Tools I use for Social Media Marketing

Written by Timothy Lorang | Fri, Mar 11, 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Twitter is one of the tools I recommend for my clients doing social media marketing. It’s a great place to get leads, and according to Edison Research’s report: Twitter Usage In America: 2010 more than half of Twitter users follow companies, brands or products and use Twitter to find out information about those brands. Managing and exploiting the power of Twitter can get a bit overwhelming at times so many of us use a variety of tools and there are a lot of tools. I can’t begin to give a definitive list, for that you will need to visit The Definitive List of Twitter Tools. But I can give you a list of the ten twitter tools I use the most.

  1. Hashtag Tracker
    When you need to find out which conversations are trending or how active a #hashtag is then this is the tool you need. You can search any hashtag on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and more.
  2. Twittergrader.com by HubSpot
    Plug in a twitter name and you’ll get an account summary, a ranking and a grade. It is a great way to track your twitter accounts influence or check up on others.
  3. Twitter Stats and Twitter Counter
    Actually two different tools that do similar jobs of giving you statistics on your twitter account such as the number of followers and tweets over time. The easy to read graphs give you a real sense of your progress. Each of these tools has a professional account with deeper statistics. Twitter Counter sends me an e-mail each week with that week’s twitter growth chart.
  4. Tweetreach
    Stick a distinctive segment of your tweet in the tool, such as the URL, and see the Tweet’s reach. This tool will show how many times a tweet was re-tweeted, who re-tweeted it, how many people it reached and how many impressions it made. A great tool if you want to make a good impression.
  5. Twitter Feed
    A great way to automatically feed your, or someone else’s, RSS feed to your twitter account and have it automatically send out tweets. You can set it up so it will tweet once per each new blog post or multiple times a day.
  6. SocialOomph
    SocialOomph does a lot of things and the professional account does even more. I like it because I can manage multiple twitter accounts from my one SocialOomph account. One of the things I do is set up an automatic follow to anyone who follows me and then SocialOomph sends the new follow a personal message. I also have it set up so that it monitors Twitter and sends me an e-mail whenever anyone mentions me in a Tweet. A great way to keep track of what’s going on.
  7. Just Unfollow; Refollow; and ManageFilter
    These tools are very similar. Over time your twitter account fills up with people you are following but are not following you back. These tools help you clean house and get rid of the dead weight. For example you can filter out people who haven’t tweeted in six months or who have a lot of followers but don’t follow anyone. Be careful with these tools, too much trimming and adding to your account in a short time span sends red flags to twitter so each of these sites imposes restrictions on how much you can do.
  8. Twellow
    When you want to find likeminded twitters Twellow is the place to go. You can search twitters by their interests, location and who they are following and then easily follow them.
  9. Hashtag Tracker
    When you need to find out which conversations are trending or how active a #hashtag is then this is the tool you need.
  10. Schmap.it
    Are you having an event and you would like to tell your twitter friends but you want to also include a map, photos and other information? Then send a Schmap. You can automate your tweets to go out over a specified time and it gives you handy statistics.
  11. HootSuite
    This is a software platform that can manage multiple twitter, facebook, LinkedIn and Foresqure accounts and is a great tool if you are working with a social media team because it can facilitate multiple users. The personal version is free but accommodating teams will require the reasonably priced paid version (Notice: I am affiliated with HootSuite)

More than likely I have left off your favorite twitter tool. Let me know what you use and why you like it. If you would like an evaluation of how your organization is using social media marketing please contact us.