Tim Lorang Consulting Blog

6 Ideas You Can Use on Blogs for Small Businesses

Written by Timothy Lorang | Fri, Feb 25, 2011 @ 10:00 AM

A couple of days ago I asked: Are Blogs for Small Businesses a Waste of Time? I don’t think so. Blogs increase a small business’ websites SEO, drives traffic to the site and increases a business’s relationship with its customers. What can you talk about on a small business’ web site? Who cares about what you have to say?

Blog about what makes you special?: Do you carry a special product or item? Blog about why your shoe line is unique or what specials your chef is cooking up. What do you do differently with your Pinot Noir or Pale Ale that is noteworthy? What about the history of your B&B?

News from your industry: What does your vintner think of the winners of the latest wine competition? What fashion trends are coming that you want your customers to know about? Does your bartender have any thoughts about new cocktail trends?

Give advice and tips: Does your chef have some tips about making the perfect Thanksgiving turkey? Does your fashion buyer have some tips on how to accessorize for the spring fashions? Can your Massage Therapist give some tips on how to alleviate those tight neck muscles after sitting at the computer all day?

Talk about events: You can talk about the President’s day sale, happy hour or the spring Bocks without being overly promotional. What’s going to be happening, why should your customers take note? If they are paying attention to you and your business they will want to know about sales, events and promotions.

Talk about your neighbors: Why should people drive across town to eat at your restaurant? You could blog about the great shoe store next door and the art gallery across the street. You could blog about the historical significance of your neighborhood or events and activities people can do. Think about this, someone is searching for antiques stores, they come across your restaurant’s review of the antique store across the street. Where are they going to have lunch?

Talk about others: Review other businesses and products. A wine enthusiast will never drink just one wine so why not write reviews about wines you like. Give reviews of restaurants in other cities your customers would enjoy, they may return the favor. Who else in your industry does a great job? Tell your customers about them.

What are some other ideas a small business can blog about? Do you have a great example of a small business blog you would like to share? Let us know. f you have any questions about starting a company blog or a social media campaign contact us at Image Media Partners.

Photo: bigal101; MorgueFile