Tim Lorang Consulting Blog

Setting up your social media Marketing Plan Part 3

Written by Timothy Lorang | Fri, Jan 21, 2011 @ 11:20 AM

For the past two blog entries I have been going over the basic set up I go through with my clients. After setting up the web site, blog, e-mail and google accounts it is important to start to promote your site.


I usually set up a twitter account next and generally use the generic company Gmail e-mail account for logging in. Whichever e-mail is used be sure that the person responsible for the twitter account gets the e-mails. When the twitter account is set up try to keep the name as close as possible to the business name. Unless the account is being set up for an individual use the company’s name as the Twitter profile name. If the company is closely connected with a person, for example a sole proprietor or a consultant, use a professional looking image of the person’s face as the twitter icon. Otherwise use the company logo something identifiable as the company. Remember it needs to be recognizable as a very small icon.

Set up an auto follow with an auto direct message to new followers. I use the free version of Social Omph but there are several others that can be used. I also set up an account with TwitterCounter just to have some stats for the account. I also use Hootsuite to manage my e-mail accounts. This may be too much if you only have one twitter account but it is a great way to handle more than one twitter account and the dashboard makes it easy to follow different lists, direct messages, and mentions. It is also a great way to post to and follow other social media accounts such as Facebook, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn, Ping, Foursquare and MySpace. In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a trained Hootsuite consultant and I am enrolled in their affiliate program.


It is important to set up a Facebook Business page right away. Again, select a name that reflects the business. Choose the name carefully because once you have set up the page you cannot change the name later. As soon as the web site is set up I will set up a special tab for a welcome page. You will need to use the FBML application but build the welcome tab using IFrame. Set up the welcome page so it is the first thing new people see on your FaceBook Page. Use this to tell visitors about your company. It can have links to your web site, show videos, link to your commerce site or feature coupons or promotions. I would also set up a tab that is connected to your blog and one that is connected to your YouTube Channel.


If I am working with an individual I make sure that their LinkedIn account is up-to-date and optimized for their specialty. I make sure their links work, their blog is connected to their profile, they are active in groups and they are connecting with other professionals.

If I am working with a company I make sure that their company profile is up-to-date and that their current and past employees can connect to the company profile. This is where it is important to have an email address with the domain name. LinkedIn often will not accept you as a representative of a company with a gmail or other free account.

I will then urge the company or the individual to host at least one group.

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are the basic social media platforms that almost every business should be involved in. These platforms help promote your web page, business and blog and also connect you with a cross section of customers, professionals and fans. In the next blog we’ll talk about YouTube, newsletters and some odds and ends.

If you would like some more information on how we may be able to help your company please contact us for a complementary social media evaluation.

(Photo credit: DoubleM2)